Reawaken the Power to make us feel Safe & at Home
Cleanse & Clear
Create Life with The Divine
Commune with Us
Die, Plant, Grow & Birth – our Truest Desires
Transmute & Transform
Give, Hold and Receive Intuition
Create Healing Opportunities
Connect Us with the Womb of Earth & Creation
Our society has made us feel ashamed of Our Heavenly, Earthly, Magical, Creative Bodies & in return, silenced the parts of Us that Crave Connection & Healthy, Loving Female Communion
Our Wombs, Breasts, Yonis, & our Menstruation (our Moon) have been subjectified to fit into this current patriarchal society, which has told us what is beautiful & what is not. Us as women have also been taught to turn against another ~ to compete, compare & shame other women for the sake of keeping us all small, separate & silent.
But we are starting to Re-member at our core that there
IS more to Life than what appears.
Information is Returning & Awakening us little by little, shared from woman to woman, and is being passed down to each other, our daughters & granddaughters.
Now is the Time we can fully Bloom & Blossom into the Whole Holiness of who we were Always Craving to be, which is fully possible in this Lifetime. This Temple Sisterhood Sensorium will facilitate an opening of your doorway of re-membrance, not only for you but for the good of The One.
Here is What you May Receive During your Session:
​​Spiritual Life Coaching
Sisterhood Sensorium
Breast Workings
Womb Palliative Movement Work
Sacred signs & symbols
Ritual Washing
Soul Retrieval
Yoni Steaming, if appropriate & applicable
Temple Tending & Care
Messages from the Divine
Infusions of a multitude of energy modalities:
Laying of the Hands ~ Reiki, Angelic Reiki and/or
many other Healing Avenues
Some Post Benefits you May Receive:
Cleansing & Clearing of Ancestral energies, as well as previous lovers
Opening & Softening ~ to be in the Receptive Feminine Universal Energy Mode
Fuller Embodiment
You will actually Look more Beautiful!
Feelings of more Love & Peace
More Radiant Feminine Presence
A lifetime connection to your Breasts, Womb & much more!
As an Isis Priestess, I have been on the Path of Sacred Healing of Sexual & Sensual,
Womb, Blood Magick, Yoni & Breast Feminine Mystery Arts for over 8 years now
& I invite you into this Sacred Feminine Temple to be
Fully Seen, Heard & Tenderly Worshipped.
2hrs 30min
Click here to book a
If you have any of your Feminine Body Parts Removed ~ Breasts, Ovaries, Cervix and/or Hysterectomy please know that Your Body still holds the essence of these energies in your etheric body & that
they Truly have not left you!
Disclaimer: All of these modalities may be used or only a few, as everyone’s sessions, like you, is very unique, individualized, personal, intuitively jointly created & special.