Everything is Energy & Energy is Everywhere
The existence of Life Force Healing Energy has been known, recognized & practiced by all cultures throughout Time and has been called different names.
Whatever name we give it, this Energy is the One
& the exact same Source
Ki - by the Japanese
Chi - by the Chinese
Prana - by the Hindus
Mana - by the Hawaiians
Holy Spirit - by the Christians
Sekhem - by the Egyptians
Today many know this energy as "Reiki" but this source energy is not Japanese only the training offered here that has been channeled & reintroduced by a
Japanese man named Dr. Mikao Usui.
Reiki ~ Laying of the Hands is the Universal Healing Energy available to us all
Once you are attuned to Usui-Tibetan Sacred Reiki, it will never go away.
This Universal energy flows through you when activated. You do not create this, you are just the channel for this intelligent healing process to come through.

Where could you use Reiki in your Life?
Your Animals
The Earth

Loved Ones
& So much more!
Come & find your Reiki path of Healing!
The Original Reiki Ideals
The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people
Every morning and evening join your hands in prayer, pray these words
to your heart and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of the body and mind
The founder,
Dr. Mikao Usui

During your First Degree Usui/Tibetan Reiki Sacred Training you will learn:
how Reiki came about and how that correlates with your soon to be lineage, what exactly is Reiki - both traditional & non-traditional, how to use Reiki, and so much more!
Here's what you will receive during your Usui/Tibetan Reiki First Degree Sacred Training:

Training manual
Channeled/gifted message from Dr. Usui
Discussions/teachings on Reiki itself, origins, aura, body systems, chakras, etc.
Level I symbols
Attunement to first degree Reiki
Practicum hands-on training & guidance

This class is a 1-day Sacred Training that runs from 10am-4pm.

Click here to register for

During your Second Degree Usui/Tibetan Reiki Sacred Training you will:
be given more symbols, learn long-distance Reiki and beaming Reiki, & receive an attunement with the Violet Flame, while also building confidence with your Reiki skills.
Here's what you will receive during your Usui/Tibetan Reiki Second Degree Sacred Training:
Training manual
Channeled/gifted message from Dr. Usui
Review of level I symbols
Level II symbols
How to conduct a long distance session
Attunement to second degree Reiki
Practicum hands-on training & guidance

This class is a 1-day Sacred Training that runs from 10am-4pm.

Prerequisite: Reiki I Training, either from me or another Usui Master/Teacher

Click here to register for

This Third Degree Master Usui/Tibetan Reiki Sacred Training is just that - learning to Master the skills given and also the new ones received.
You will learn the Master Symbol, work with the Antahkarana and crystals, and begin your Reiki practice.
Here's what you will receive during your Third Degree Master Usui/Tibetan Reiki Practitioner Sacred Training:
Training manual
Channeled/gifted message from Dr. Usui
Review of level I & II
Master symbol & new level III symbols
Healing w/ crystals
Master symbols
Attunement to the third degree/master Practitioner
Practicum hands-on training & guidance

Prerequisite: Reiki I & II Training, either from me or another Usui Master/Teacher
This class is a 1-day Sacred Training that runs from 10am-4pm.

Click here to register for

During this Fourth Degree Master/Teacher Usui/Tibetan Reiki Sacred Training, you will:
become the Master/Teacher. You will be tested on all the symbols, discuss Reiki experiences, and learn the Master/Teacher symbols. Many gifts will be given but mainly the gift to pass this powerful life force energy to others. Welcome Master/Teachers.
Here's what you will receive during your Fourth Degree Master/Teacher Usui/Tibetan Reiki Practitioner Sacred Training:
Channeled/gifted message from Dr. Usui
Review of all Reiki levels
Level IV symbols
Information & guidance on running your own reiki business practice
Attunement to the master/teacher
All information to conduct attunements to become the teacher & attune others
Training Manual & Certificate

Click here to register for

Prerequisite: Reiki I, II, & III Training, either from me or another Usui Master/Teacher
This course is offered by request only.
Send your inquiries to: contact@christinedugo.com
Rebalances the chakras and energy in the body
​Deep relaxation
Helps align the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies
Improves overall sense of well-being
Calms the mind
Supports your own intuition and creativity
Compliments all western medicine, pre/post procedures, surgeries, and child birth
Brings peace and serenity
Supports the body's natural ability to heal itself
Benefits of Reiki ~ Laying of the Hands: