Death, like Birth, is a process. The body is of this World and not the Next. When one is in the Act of actively Dying, the unknown can be scary.
The Mysteries of Death have been seen as something fear based & unnatural.
Death upon this Planet, with Everything, is happening All the Time.
The problem is: it is happening to You or a very dear Loved One.
As a Certified End of Life Doula, Spiritual Life Coach, Reiki Master & Veteran of the US Army, I can guide the dying person and their family to a Soft & Beautiful experience and Truth is the Essence of all in this.

The Mysteries in Life & Death are great, but I will lead you gently into the Light of
all that can & will be done, as deeply as you choose.
All Religions, Spirituality or None ~ Beliefs, Preferences, Walks of Life &
the Whole of You is Fully Welcome
It is Your Right on how you want to Live and Die, even to the end. During and throughout your process, we will visit & revisit what is most important to you.
Here we will take a look at Paperwork ~ step by step, together. You will choose what is best for you, while supporting you fully. Discussion on Green & Alternative End of Life arrangements. This includes your Pets' future as well.
This can be an immensely Helpful and Healthy way to say goodbye. It can give everyone a sense of Closure with Softness, Joy & Compassion.

What you May Receive:
Created Sacred Space
Reiki ~ which facilitates Relaxation, Connection to Source & Overall
Feelings of Peace
Spiritual Life Coaching
Gentle Clearings
Prayers, Chants, Mantras, Music or Silence
Essential Oils
Forgiveness Purification/s ~ for Yourself, Others & the World
Sitting Vigil
Ritual Bathing
Assisting & Supporting Caregivers
Personal & Intimate Care for the Body
Ritual Bathing
Anointing with Sacred Oils & Flowers
Prayers, Chants, Mantras, Music or Silence
Shrouding ~ with Organic Materials
Prepare Home viewing or Wake with Loved Ones (optional)
Following through with Ones Wishes
Pet Placement
Please Note: You may choose all of the above options, or none of them.

Funeral Support & Planning
2 In-Home Client Visits
2 Hour Spiritual Life Coaching
(For Client, Caretaker or Mourner ~ In-Home or Virtual)
2 Hour In-Home Reiki Session
Legacy Project
Living Funeral or Goodbye Party
Ritual Bathing, Shrouding & Prep for Wake
Ask for details & rates

Free 30 Minute Consultation
1 Initial In-Home Care Plan Visit
Guidance & Educational Packet on the Dying Process and Resources
Completion and/or Review of AHD/MOLST
Discussion on Arrangements
Client Care Visits with Reiki & Spiritual Life Coaching
Caregiver or Loved One Support
Mourning Support Follow Up Session/s



3 Visits
3 Visits
3 Visits
= Included in Packages

Note: Caregiver, Loved One or Mourner can be done Virtually.
If you are a Solo Ager, all the Visits will be for Your Journey.

Free 30 Minute Phone Consultation

Click here to book an
Please Note: You must be in the Active Dying Process with a Diagnosis by a Medical Doctor & on Hospice to Participate in the above End of Life Doula Packages. If you are not Actively Dying & are seeking Guidance on preparing for your End of Life, please see À La Carte Options.