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Image by Alexander Andrews

Our Young Maidens are Needing and Craving the Ways of the Moon, My Moon (menstrual cycle).


These Fair Maids are ready to move beyond the traditional standards and norms of current society and My Moon is just the place to start! 

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During our time together in this gentle Moon Circle, we will discover: â€‹


Crystal clearing & healing

Personal insight for growth

Sun, Moon, & Earth energies

PMS signs, systems, & how to soften its effect

Essential oils

& so much more!

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What will you receive during this one day training?

One detailed instructional manual

One crystal

One essential oil roller

How the flow of life is beneficial for us all

An opportunity to connect with like-minded sisters

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Prerequisite: have started your Moon (menstrual cycle) & are mature enough to learn about gentle, yet deep body connections with the womb, breasts, & the self.

Click here to register for

Disclaimer: the subject of sexual abuse/trauma is briefly discussed with suggested resources to begin a path of reclaiming one's self and the body.

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