Do you have a desire to meet and connect deeper and more passionately to The Goddess Isis, Goddesses, female Ascended Masters, Feminine Deities, Female Archangels & Learn The Ancient Ways of The Lady Isis?
to return back to Her & become, once again, a Priest or Priestess of Isis upon this Earth at this time.

You have walked the Path of the Masculine as a Priest or Priestess of Melchizedek, now you are ready for Her.
In this 10 month Goddess Isis Mystery Egyptian Training, you will be walked through The House of Isis, to learn Her mysteries, Her Devotions, & Her Ways.
On this path, you will be given many opportunities for connection with the Divine Feminine while deeply honoring the Divine Masculine

What you will receive during these 10 In-Person Trainings:

10 Detailed Training Manuals
The Way of Feminine Presence Meditation
Level I Sacred Reiki – Laying of the Hands – Training (separate training)
Devotional Rituals together
Written Rituals, Rites and Passages
Sacred teaching on Gestures & Posture
Guidance, Teachings & Messages from Many Divine Be-ings
How to hold 2 Isis Ceremonies as an Isis Priest/Priestess
& Many, many Gifts along The Way!

Prerequisite: Must be a Priest or Priestess of The Order of Melchizedek

Click here to register for

Disclaimer: Isis is asking that you feel the call whole heartily in Your Body and that it is a Whole Holy Yes! No refunds, no exceptions.